LIVE Webinar: The Breakthrough Innovator's Blueprint
Create a compelling Innovation Business Case FAST & RISK FREE in 12 weeks
Thursday 26 September at 11am (GMT)/12pm CET
For Innovation, R&D leaders and business leaders who want to find radical new offerings, harness new technologies and make a bigger impact
Move from making sporadic small tweaks to consistently delivering impactful, breakthrough products and services.
Learn the key communication skills that will win over stakeholders and investors.
Gain a deeper understanding of your customers' needs so you can make a dramatic difference and impact.
Get the Blueprint: a step-by-step framework to create a breakthrough innovation business case in around 12 weeks.
Picture the scene...
You’ve finished your stage-gate meeting dealing with the latest product launches.
The CTO has walked into your office with a bounce in her step. “Jim! I’ve got back from the board meeting and got an agreement for the new market products we’ve been wanting.
The only thing is, they need it by the end of the year before we go to budget. So…I’m going to need it in two months.”
Breakthrough innovations establish a new degree of competitiveness in an existing or a new market.
- This webinar will help you think about digitalisation, sustainability or new solutions beyond the incremental.
- It will help you create well-developed ideas for your innovations that create excitement and shift the status quo.
- It will give you a breakthrough innovation plan for new applications and promising technologies.
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All attendees will receive a FREE copy of my Innovator's Blueprint.
For those who complete it, you'll get a free 45-minute review with Rob Munro, Author of the Blueprint.

About the speaker
Rob Munro is a founder and advisor to leaders of technology-intensive innovation working to help firms achieve greater innovation success. With over 30 years in and now working with corporate clients to sharpen their innovation plans and dramatically. Clients come from advanced manufacturing, energy, healthcare, advanced materials, chemicals, aerospace, and major universities.
Rob will present this Briefing and take Q&A.
“I became frustrated with the lack of pace and ambition in corporate innovation. I help other innovation leaders overcome the barriers and create breakthrough innovation plans.”
Rob Munro, Founder innovation-success
See how I'm helping clients create Breakthrough Innovation
Innovation Roadmap for building a national capability in time and frequency
A two-step process was used following a series of interviews with several national and international experts. Ecosystem mapping was used to make explicit the organisations in the time and positioning business ecosystem. By understanding the main players, and how value is exchanged, new areas of innovative value were developed. This was achieved through a designed … Read more
Product and Capability Roadmapping for Consumer Healthcare
The task of developing the technology roadmap was given to the R&D team. It went about building a small internal and external network of experts and working through the innovation process. The project was designed to run over four months a report was created for top management to make investment decisions. Step 1: Debrief the … Read more
National Materials Innovation Strategy
Following an initial desktop review of key publications, reports and studies, a series of subject-matter expert interviews was run. This provided the input to a 1-day consultation workshop with experts and sector leaders. A key differentiator and innovation of the approach was to identify the connection of national and sectoral priorities with applications to materials … Read more