The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass
Sessions available half-day online or full-day in-person
Are you seeing too many false starts or lost innovation opportunities within your organisation and you want to set the agenda for improvement? Perhaps you sense that more is possible but it’s unclear how to achieve it.
The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass is a session facilitated by Rob Munro with your team designed to help you understand what drives your innovation mission and the approaches you need for greater business impact.
What's the agenda?
The Masterclass is delivered half-day online and full-day in-person to business stakeholders and innovation leaders. First, we will have a call to understand the context and your objectives. We then construct an agenda to focus on the priority innovation topics.
In the weeks before the masterclass, we write a short briefing note or produce a video for the participants so they can warm up to the session. Typical topics include;
- Establishing your Innovation Imperative
- Why innovation fails to launch; the barriers and challenges
- Effective approaches to innovation planning: what should be in the innovator's toolbox?
- Elements of a high-performing innovation system
- Priority topics for group work
- Plenary discussion about key takeaways
- Provision of further resources
WHEN would you use The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass?
The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass is for organisations that want to take a fundamental look at how they approach innovation and inspire change.
You see too many false starts or lost innovation opportunities and want to set the agenda for improvement. You see the need to take a fresh look at the way your company approaches innovation to consistently make a bigger impact, faster with greater innovation ROI.
Who is the Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass for?
The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass is for innovation and business leaders that want to inspire their organisation for innovation transformation and fitness.
You are likely to be in a technology-intensive company. Perhaps you have the ambition to create more impact for your innovation activity and create something new and be seen as a top innovator in your field.
This could be the first step in a wider innovation improvement programme, but you want to inform, educate and inspire a conversation about what good innovation looks like.
HOW is The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass different?
- Our approach is based on world-leading research and best-in-class innovation management practice. We are business associates of IfM Engage at the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge University a world centre of excellence in innovation and technology strategy.
- Our team are experienced leaders from larger technology-intensive organisations who have a career in the development and application of technology and innovation strategy and transformation.
- Unlike other approaches, Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass has a direct line-of-sight to real value and tangible, effective and holistic approaches to good innovation management and noticeable business results.
What approach does the Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass follow?
The Innovator's Masterclass will involve key stakeholders and innovators within your organisation, we will work together to understand where your challenges and opportunities are, and transform your ideas into actionable plans.
The Masterclass works well in combination with the Breakthrough Innovation Assessment to save the waste that a complex organisation can generate from underperforming elements of your innovation system. The Breakthrough Innovator's Masterclass has been delivered since 2019, both online and in-person formats at innovation conferences and company in-house innovation strategy programmes.
Want to get a taster for the content?
A free video series based on my Masterclass content that will help you understand your innovation imperative, why your strategy so often fails and the key steps to improve innovation performance.
15 bite-sized and easy-to-consume videos that will inspire you.

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